USA Election 2016... things to consider...
The Election in the USA … this is a long post, but not when
comparing the time to read it, and then “think” about the election, and the
impact on our personal lives.
One should be sensitive to surroundings these days when
‘thinking’ about the 2016 Federal Election in the USA. I write ‘thinking’ about
it because it has such a huge potential impact on the future of America… it is
important to ‘think’ about what action to take in the voting booth.
The election is important because of things that can happen
in the four-year term of the next President… as well as the long term impact of
decisions made by the President, Congress and Supreme Court. This cycle will
see significant global changes requiring the next President to wrestle with
such issues as:
a) a) in global life (human, animal and
plants) because of environmental issues (weather, carbon fuels, global warming)
that will strain not only relationships between countries, but between
individuals within many countries
b) b) strains in global/macro-economies because of the
rise of major population areas’ (India, China, Brazil) economies through better
education; lower and fluctuating wages; the impact of conflicts and resulting
migration; the application of significant technological breakthroughs in
machine learning and applications of the digital revolution and robots
c) c) the hierarchy of countries based on
the ability of one of many to wage nuclear war and the change in propensity to
use such weapons whether the country is a super-power or not… Russia, India,
Pakistan, Ukraine, Israel, North Korea among others can deliver a weapon,
somewhere in the world that could start a chain of events leading to disaster
In the domestic cycle of four to eight years the next
President has to make decisions that lean on each of the global issues above
(among many others), and importantly lead and influence decisions that directly
impact domestic life… such as developing and implementing strategies:
a) * to improve infrastructure such as highways,
bridges, airports… in order to ensure there is not a breakdown in the ability
to move goods and services
b) * to protect the colossal amount of data developed
by the government agencies from cyber attack
to ensure the banking, patent, internet and
investment systems are robust, fair and protected from conflicting influence.
d) *to revamp the education systems and motivation
to maximize the use of education by the population to regain leadership in
technological and societal evolution
e) * rebuild the delivery of quality, affordable
medical services, and motivate the population to utilize more, healthy
life-styles to reduce the costs of poor health on the economy
f) * to manage the debt in a way that keeps it
serviceable, without international leverage
The leverage that the President will need to use will be
based on his/her ability to work through the various levels of government
(municipal, state and federal), and the political parties, not to mention
significant regional bias. A problem with the “big picture” issues above, is
that all of them depend on the interaction of the layers of government and
leadership of each, to get things done. Without effective up/down and across
communications among the governments, things like policing, education, banking
and so on, cannot be impacted or work effectively.
The most critical jobs of the President of the USA are in
the areas of international affairs, defense of the homeland (military,
environmental issues) and so on. In these, s/he can act somewhat independently
as long as budgets are available. Beyond these, the President must work with
Congress to accomplish the goals of his/her platform. If there is symmetry in
the goals (based on the political numbers in the Senate and House of
Representatives) of the two governing layers of the country, it is easier to
accomplish shifts in strategy that are likely needed to move the country in a
significant way.
Without getting too deep into the issues of governing with
less symmetry, one can reasonably assume that it is important to have symmetry.
When big change is needed in the USA (the issues listed above are “big change”)
the President needs to have his/her party in control of both the Congressional House
of Representatives and the Senate.
At the same time, the country needs to have a judicial
system that is capable of timely decisions across the federal civil, criminal
and family court structures. While this starts with the Supreme Court, it is
important to have all levels of courts functioning. The next President will
have the opportunity to nominate several new Justices to the courts, including
the Supreme Bench… starting on Day One with a replacement that will again give
the court nine justices.
So, these are large issues, and our vote in November looms
larger with the reduction in days forward to make a decision… as I write this,
we have 30 days before finally voting. The surroundings that I mentioned being
sensitive to at the outset are important because the very process of becoming
educated on the issues means listening to, watching or reading sources of
information that also insert bias more than at any time in the past. The
process of “reporting” is no longer pure enough to trust “reports”. In effect,
much of what we get as “news” is in fact commentary.
So once one’s store of information on policies,
personalities, status quo is informed, I think it is important to find a way to
metabolize the available information and come up with a decision on how to vote
the ticket that will be presented in the voting booth. This means voting what
is called the “top of the ticket” for President… and the down ticket… for
Senator, Congressman in each district, and Judges, mayors and for many
different “issues” that are on the ballot around the country. There is
interaction between the top and all of the others… but particularly the Senate
and House… important interaction that can facilitate a rational President… or
keep him/her in check if necessary.
It is very hard to get away from momentary influences and
the situation this year seems more dynamic than in any election in which I have
participated. But that dynamic nature means it is even more
important to make an educated, thoughtful decision. The issues of personal
conduct, in my opinion are important… what conduct, in what conditions are
important in the elimination of a candidate anywhere on the ticket? Not for me
to judge, but for us to contemplate.
This election is about avoiding a nuclear war, and the
genocide of millions of people based on one or another leader’s whim. It is about
ensuring resolution to awesome issues like global warming; human migration and
suffering; potable water and safe food availability and so on. It is of course
also about national issues… as listed here… but if America wants to be the big
dog in the world, it has to get off the porch and become a welcome leader,
again. Leadership isn’t about the bite anymore (too many nuclear warheads), it
is about influencing rational development of our globe and beyond.
This is what
we are voting about in November… it is more than one’s personal benefit,
although it is to some extent about that… if we count surviving in a nuclear
environment; or one with “storms of the century”, every week; or a country
turned on itself with its guns and money.
Along with these issues one can add that it is an obligation,
as a citizen, to be an informed voter… and to vote. I hope each of us will.